Monthly Archives: August 2018

My tribe

I spent the better part of the day today at a friend’s lake house here in Maine. A house I had never been to on a lake I didn’t know was there. It was a gathering of women, friends who met through a shared struggle. A group of strong, brave, caring women with a common purpose: survival.
All I could think, while I drank coffee and ate home baked scones and muffins, talked, laughed and shared stories of life and loss, was how very blessed we all were to be there. To be here, to have lived to tell about it, to be on this side of the battlefield. We are warriors, this group of women. We fought for our lives and fight still, one day at a time. And we will hold each other’s hands through heartbreak and grief, bad moods, bad days, births, deaths and everything in between. This day was healing for me and I am filled with gratitude for these women. My tribe.